School Uniform – Dress for Success

The wearing of school uniform is requested by the school Governors so that a common identity may increase the sense of belonging to a school and show our school community off to advantage when assembled together. Please make sure all clothing is clearly marked.

School Uniform Shop

We stock jumpers, ties and reading bags which are available to buy from our Uniform Shop. 

 Click here for our online uniform shop

You can also purchase our uniform from Mansuri Uniform Shop (both online and in store) and Clive Marks (both online and in store).



Children can choose to wear grey skirts, shorts or trousers, purple & white summer dresses (sold in Asda etc) and a white school polo shirt. 


A white head-scarf is optional.


Grey trousers, skirt or tunic, white school polo shirt, purple school sweatshirt or cardigan,  black school shoes. School tie is optional.  


PE Kit

PE is a requirement of the National Curriculum. All children are expected to do PE unless they have a medical reason for not doing so. PE kit is essential for safety and hygiene. Pumps, shorts, T-shirt (or leotards and leggings) and socks must be provided for PE and games period or swimming lesson. Due to lack of space we are not able to provide individual changing facilities for pupils. However, parents may provide their child with a “changing towel” if they wish to do so.

Please note that for Health and Safety reasons scarves and jewellery must not be worn during PE lessons. Tracksuits are also very useful particularly during the colder months. Swimming costumes and a towel will also be required for all children receiving swimming instruction. It is vital that pupils as a matter of courtesy, as well as safety, bring a letter from their parents if they are unable to take part in any PE lesson, games period or swimming lesson due to ill health.

The Governors have reviewed our PE policy and have agreed that the following head coverings are acceptable for girls in PE:

  • Bandana type cap – no strings or loose ends
  • Stretchy/lycra cap – no strings or loose ends

Short hijab with Velcro fastening (not buttons of any type). It must have a fastening so that it would give if caught on equipment to reduce the risk of strangulation. One piece hijabs with no fastening or just elastic are not deemed safe.


In the interest of Health and Safety, please keep jewellery to a minimum.  Children are not allowed to wear earrings of any kind for P.E. or swimming lessons.  If your child cannot remove his/her own earrings then please do not allow your child to wear them on P.E. days.

Affordability Statement 

At Anderton Park Primary School, we feel that it is important that children feel a sense of belonging to our school. We believe that a strong and practical uniform allows all children, regardless of their backgrounds, to feel equal to thier peers and confident in their appearance. We are commited to ensuring that our uniform is smart, practical,hardwearing and represents good value for money.  

Where families are experiencing financial difficulty, they are able to contact the school in confidence adn we will seek to support them.