Our children will be inspirational, kind, curious human beings, literate and with a passion for knowledge. 

 Emotionally healthy and able to build great relationships, our children will be empowered to take on the world. 


Art at Anderton Park aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils and is fully inclusive for every child. Our art curriculum develops creativity, whilst equipping children with the knowledge and skills to experiment with the creative arts. Children are encouraged to take risks, and take ownership of their creative journey through personal sketchbooks. Drawing and craft techniques are covered each year, allowing children to develop their skills and revisit techniques and ideas that interest them.   

Children are given a range of stimuli to develop art work; studying great artists from history, recording from first-hand experiences, and observing the world around them. They are encouraged to react to the things they see, think and feel through use of artistic elements such as pattern, shape, tone and colour. We aim to develop critical thinking, and allow the children to critique and compare works of art across the visual arts spectrum. With cross-curricular links, children will develop an understanding of the historical and cultural importance of the arts.  

By the time they leave school in Year 6, each child will have a sketchbook filled with art techniques, artists and art activities from their time at school. In KS1, they will have had time to explore as many mediums as possible, giving them a breadth of understanding about different processes in art and how they can be used. In KS2 these skills will have been refined more, to produce more detailed drawings, paintings and sculpture.



Art Progression Document 

Art Coverage Document  


At Anderton Park, Design and Technology aims to develop children’s skills, understanding and knowledge in design, through creative, technical and practical activitiesWe provide opportunities for children to develop their creativity and imagination to design, make and build products, and then to critique and evaluate them. 

In Design and Technology, everything we teach has a purpose and, as stated in the National Curriculum, we encourage pupils to learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizensWe build planned progression into our scheme of work, so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through our school, building on their prior learning.  

In the children’s learning of D&T, there is a mixture of child-initiated activities and adult lead activitiesEach year group participates in one Design and Technology unit of work per termThese areas, which will relate to their year group’s topic, include: 


structures (including constructions and materials); 

mechanical systems; 




Religious Education is an important element of a balanced curriculum. We believe that all children at Anderton Park should have an equal opportunity in learning about different religions around the world. Through our RE curriculum, we provide equal opportunities to develop understanding and to reflect on the challenging questions that RE provokes. 


Religious Education is a powerful means by which empathy and understanding towards others can be developed so that children may grow and develop in a world which they view with warm hearts and open minds. Religious Education enables children to participate in meaningful discussions and to ask and reflect on challenging questions. We believe that children must experience RE that provides opportunities for personal reflection where children can explore their own beliefs.   


All children at Anderton Park follow a scheme of work based on the Birmingham agreed syllabus for RE: Faith Makes a Difference. This scheme encourages children to develop their understanding of morals and values and link these to religions around the world through engaging and fun lessons. By exploring issues within and across faiths, pupils learn to understand and respect different religions, beliefs, values and traditions and their influence on individuals, societies, communities and cultures. 


R.E Progression Document 

R.E Coverage Document 


As Historians, it is important we understand History and its impact on Britain and the wider world in the presentBy understanding the past we make connections to how our lives have been influenced and the impact it has made on our lives as global citizens. Our History curriculum is designed to inspire pupil’s curiosity about the past, make connections and reflect on how the past has shaped our lives today. Our curriculum ensures that children acquire key knowledge, whilst also developing their historical enquiry skills. Children will develop chronological awareness and be able to make connections to key areas of the pastThis is achieved through the analysis and interpretation of a range of sources along with opportunities to develop their historical curiosity and passion for knowledge.   


History Progression Document 

History Coverage Document 


The Geography curriculum at Anderton Park will extend pupils’ knowledge and awareness beyond the personal to the wider world, encouraging them to think in new ways about their own contexts of the world .  

It will inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its vocabulary. Our children will be encouraged to ask questions and have a passion for knowledge that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.  


Our aim is that our children are able to apply their knowledge of world and geography skills across the wider curriculum as well in their futures beyond Anderton Park School. 


Geography Progression Document 

Geography Coverage Document


At Anderton Park music is for everyone. Music is a universal language that transcends borders. We believe that regardless of background or musical upbringing, all our children have the right to uncover new genres, fall in love with new passions and find their voice. In our musical curriculum, children are presented with a multitude of genres with authenticity and depth. Children are given the opportunity to listen and learn about sounds from around the world, from different countries, cultures, and eras. The pupils’ musical journey is underpinned by the four core areas of musical learning, which includes singing, listening, performing, and musicianship.  

By the end school, our children will be confident performers, enjoy singing independently and in groups – able to sing tunefully, keep rhythm as a chorus and in parts. Our pupils build their musicianship progressively, with singing being a vital thread throughout. Pupils are exposed to an eclectic collection music that is authentic, ambitious, and appropriate for our children. This exposure to the core areas of our music curriculum ensures that all pupils work towards the required outcomes of the National Curriculum, as well as building cultural capital, knowledge, and nurturing expression that is not inherent within our community. Providing authentic experiences, such as performing at theatres and visits to recording studios, aim to inspire our children. We also believe that music teaching can provide our children with the tools to express themselves, supporting wellbeing and building resilience. 


Music Coverge Document 

Music Progression Document 


At Anderton Park, it is our intention to recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it requires as a core subject. The Scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, and with developing working scientifically skills associated with science as a process of enquiry. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms, the planet and the physical environment, providing opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence. We intend to build a science curriculum which develops learning, results in acquisition of scientific knowledge which transfers into other subject areas, such as; maths and technology, enabling the children to become autonomous enquiry-based learners. 


Science Coverage Document

Science Skills Document 

Working Scientifically




HRE enables our children at Anderton Park to become healthy, independent and responsible members of our society who know about their rights in the worldIt aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing upHRE offers a safe place to talk about important issues, such as: equality and the rights of every member of our society; how to keep ourselves and others safe and what to do if we do not feel safe; and what happens to our minds and bodies as we start to grow into an adultWe provide our children with opportunities to appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse societyChildren will learn about British values, democracy and the rule of law. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth, build resilience and play a positive role in school and the wider community in contributing to the happiness of all. 


HRE Coverage  Document 


Through Physical Education, we want our children to have the opportunities to:

            Improve fitness and lifelong learning.

            Promote active participation

            Allow children to achieve full potential.

Lessons are delivered twice a week and encourage children to develop different sporting skills but also cognitive, creative, physical, social and personal skills. Goods sportsmanship is encouraged throughout and lessons are pitched at a level where all children can engage and have fun, no matter their sporting ability. In addition, we aim is to have as many children as possible interacting with sport through the school; whether that is through a club or representing the school at a sporting competition.


P.E Coverage Document 

P.E Progression Document 



Our aim is to give children a thorough and ambitious education in computing, equipping them to use technology, computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. It is now more important than ever that children are able to use technology positively, responsibly and safely, and that they see good models of this.


Computing Coverage Document 

Computing Progression Document