The  Curriculum at Anderton Park          

 Our children will be inspirational, kind, curious human beings, literate and with a passion for knowledge. 

 Emotionally healthy and able to build great relationships, our children will be empowered to take on the world.  


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          The  Curriculum at Anderton Park          

 Our children will be inspirational, kind, curious human beings, literate and with a passion for knowledge. 

 Emotionally healthy and able to build great relationships, our children will be empowered to take on the world.  


                                              download (3).jpg                             download (2).jpg                          download (7).jpg                                                                                             



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          The  Curriculum at Anderton Park          

 Our children will be inspirational, kind, curious human beings, literate and with a passion for knowledge. 

 Emotionally healthy and able to build great relationships, our children will be empowered to take on the world.  


                                              download (3).jpg                             download (2).jpg                          download (7).jpg                                                                                             



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