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Welcome to Anderton Park Primary School 


‘Our children will be inspirational, kind, curious human beings, literate and with a passion for knowledge.

 Emotionally healthy and able to build great relationships, our children will be empowered to take on the world’


Welcome to our fantastic school. I hope our website gives you a flavour of what a great place Anderton Park is and how very proud we all are of our children and staff and their wonderful achievements. We value relationships, determination and the ability to sparkle; these highlight our core belief that education is an absolute joy and should leave children and their families wanting to know more, wide eyed and inquisitive about the world around them. We all love reading and devour books. We believe that everyone in our community is a learner everyone can excel and accomplish great things with the support from our parents and the whole school community.

We aim to give all our children, from the age of three, a superb education, where they love coming to school, make excellent progress and achieve very well in all areas. We are highly ambitious and provide an excellent curriculum so that children can flourish in everything from sports, art, music, dance, science, maths and English to kindness, empathy and mutual respect. Our children have rich and diverse heritage and are multi linguists. We are a Royal Shakespeare Company associate school, work with Ex Cathedra, West End dance and many more excellent partners. We are fully committed to equality and justice and challenge harmful stereotypes wherever they occur.

Our nursery and reception classes are tranquil beautiful spaces for children to learn, explore and be curious and provide a calm and exciting place to start school. Extensive playground areas throughout our grounds provide excellent spaces for children to play, exercise, relax and perform. Our school is a safe, happy and thriving place for all.

Do arrange a visit to come and see for yourself.


Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson,


Anderton Park Primary School


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Events Calendar

Latest News

Birmingham City Council - School Attendance
18/09/2023 11:35 AM

13th September 2023


Dear Parent/Carer,


This is an important update about school attendance for the 2023/24 academic year. 

Anderton Park Primary School is working in partnership with parents and the Local Authority to improve school attendance.  


A big thank you to the majority of parents who make sure their children attend school regularly, particularly during the current cost of living crisis impacting families.  


Your efforts, working in partnership with the school, will ensure that your child will have the best chance to achieve their academic potential and have real opportunity in further education and the world of work. It will also enable your child to:


  • access the lessons needed to achieve their expected grades
  • maintain friendships and develop new ones
  • have access to social and sporting events offered by the school
  • explore potential careers
  • develop work habits such as good punctuality which are essential to thrive in the world of employment



Strep A
9/12/2022 11:11 AM

Strep A (known as Scarlet fever)

UK Health Sercurit Agency (UKHSA) have sent out information on Group A Streptococcus (GAS) due to the increase of scarlet fever in children. Please read the letter sent out today. 

Important Information - Strep A letter for Parents.docx

Warm Weather
27/06/2024 9:20 AM

Dear Parents and families,

Due to the recent warm weather please ensure children have  their water bottles in school and sun scream is applied before school. 

Thank you


Important dates Summer Term
27/06/2024 9:16 AM

Monday 1st July - Move up day from Nursery - Year 5

Tuesday 2nd July - SEND Coffee Morning 

Tuesday 2nd July -  Sports Day for allchildren (children will need to wear their PE kits to school on this day)

Wednesday 3rd July - Year 4 Trip to Selly Manor 

Saturday 6th July - SUMMER FAYRE (12:00 - 3:00) 

Monday 8th  - Friday 19th July - Year 6 boys swimming 

Monday 8th July - iRock Concert 9:30

Tuesday 9th July - School Reports issued

Thursday 11 July - APS Summer Talent Show  1:10pm

Wednesday 17th July - Year 6 Leavers Production

Friday 19th July - Break up for Summer Holidays 

New Term starts for children Wednesday 4th September 2024, when children return back to school. 

Teachers training days - Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd Septembe 2024. School closed for children. Staff will be in work. 


Birmingham City Council - School Attendance
18/09/2023 11:35 AM

13th September 2023


Dear Parent/Carer,


This is an important update about school attendance for the 2023/24 academic year. 

Anderton Park Primary School is working in partnership with parents and the Local Authority to improve school attendance.  


A big thank you to the majority of parents who make sure their children attend school regularly, particularly during the current cost of living crisis impacting families.  


Your efforts, working in partnership with the school, will ensure that your child will have the best chance to achieve their academic potential and have real opportunity in further education and the world of work. It will also enable your child to:


  • access the lessons needed to achieve their expected grades
  • maintain friendships and develop new ones
  • have access to social and sporting events offered by the school
  • explore potential careers
  • develop work habits such as good punctuality which are essential to thrive in the world of employment



Strep A
9/12/2022 11:11 AM

Strep A (known as Scarlet fever)

UK Health Sercurit Agency (UKHSA) have sent out information on Group A Streptococcus (GAS) due to the increase of scarlet fever in children. Please read the letter sent out today. 

Important Information - Strep A letter for Parents.docx

Warm Weather
27/06/2024 9:20 AM

Dear Parents and families,

Due to the recent warm weather please ensure children have  their water bottles in school and sun scream is applied before school. 

Thank you


Important dates Summer Term
27/06/2024 9:16 AM

Monday 1st July - Move up day from Nursery - Year 5

Tuesday 2nd July - SEND Coffee Morning 

Tuesday 2nd July -  Sports Day for allchildren (children will need to wear their PE kits to school on this day)

Wednesday 3rd July - Year 4 Trip to Selly Manor 

Saturday 6th July - SUMMER FAYRE (12:00 - 3:00) 

Monday 8th  - Friday 19th July - Year 6 boys swimming 

Monday 8th July - iRock Concert 9:30

Tuesday 9th July - School Reports issued

Thursday 11 July - APS Summer Talent Show  1:10pm

Wednesday 17th July - Year 6 Leavers Production

Friday 19th July - Break up for Summer Holidays 

New Term starts for children Wednesday 4th September 2024, when children return back to school. 

Teachers training days - Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd Septembe 2024. School closed for children. Staff will be in work.