Welcome to Anderton Park Primary School 

Welcome to our fantastic school. I hope our website gives you a flavour of what a great place Anderton Park is and how very proud we all are of our children and staff and their wonderful achievements. We value relationships, determination and the ability to sparkle; these highlight our core belief that education is an absolute joy and should leave children and their families wanting to know more, wide eyed and inquisitive about the world around them. We all love reading and devour books. We believe that everyone in our community is a learner everyone can excel and accomplish great things with the support from our parents and the whole school community.


‘Our children will be inspirational, kind, curious human beings, literate and with a passion for knowledge.

 Emotionally healthy and able to build great relationships, our children will be empowered to take on the world’

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Important letter to read
03:52 PM

Dear parents and families,

Please find attached a letter for you to read regarding Attendance.



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